June 23, 2009

Appeasing the Arabs 1929 - 2009

The Elder of Zion compares the British appeasement of the Arabs in 1929 to the current effort to appease the Arabs led by Barack Hussein Obama.

"The next logical question to ask the State Department would be - would the Obama administration consider erecting a removable screen at the Western Wall an illegal expansion of the Old City Jewish 'settlement'?"

Read it here.

The Many Problems with Today's Yeshivot

Interesting guest post on Dov Bear's blog regarding the many downsides of today's Yeshivot.

The million dollar question is:

"If a family provides a frum, Jewish home which demonstrates a love for Yiddishkeit and if the parents learn with their children or hire a rabbi to learn with them this is still not nearly as good as a yeshiva?"

Read the rest here.

If you ask me, I'd much prefer to home-school my children personally, one-on-one. Public school is out of the question, especially the ones in my district; but, if I were able to home-school my kids, have them take all the required state examinations, hire a G-d-fearing, sincere Rabbi to teach them Torah THE RIGHT WAY!! -- Now THAT would be a perfect world! Of course, I'd have to to make an effort to make sure my children aren't overly isolated and that they develop a good sense of personality, character and social skills.

Iran's June Revolution

Sultan Knish has a great post on Iran's June Revolution.

His conclusion:
"Whether or not we are seeing Iran's Berlin Wall or only its Tienanmen Square, the Iranian regime will never be the same as it was. The resulting changes will almost certainly weaken the regime, if not entirely bring it down. Which is why it is entirely sensible to support Iran's June Revolution, though without forgetting that Mousavi is no saint and that Iran's reformers, like Khrushchev and Gorbachev, are not entirely distinguishable from its monsters."
Read the rest here.
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